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add(animatable:dragonBones.animation:IAnimatable) — method, class dragonBones.animation.WorldClock
Add a IAnimatable instance (Armature or custom) to this WorldClock instance.
addBone(bone:dragonBones:Bone, parentName:String) — method, class dragonBones.Armature
Add a Bone instance to this Armature instance.
addDisplay(container:Object, index:int) — method, interface dragonBones.display.IDisplayBridge
Adds the original display object to another display object.
addDisplay(container:Object, index:int) — method, class dragonBones.display.NativeDisplayBridge
Adds the original display object to another display object.
addDisplay(container:Object, index:int) — method, class dragonBones.display.StarlingDisplayBridge
Adds the original display object to another display object.
addSkeletonData(skeletonData:dragonBones.objects:SkeletonData, name:String) — method, class dragonBones.factorys.BaseFactory
Add a SkeletonData instance to this BaseFactory instance.
addTextureAtlas(textureAtlas:Object, name:String) — method, class dragonBones.factorys.BaseFactory
Add a textureAtlas to this BaseFactory instance.
advanceTime(passedTime:Number) — method, class dragonBones.Armature
Update the animation using this method typically in an ENTERFRAME Event or with a Timer.
advanceTime(passedTime:Number) — method, interface dragonBones.animation.IAnimatable
Update the animation using this method typically in an ENTERFRAME Event or with a Timer.
advanceTime(passedTime:Number) — method, class dragonBones.animation.WorldClock
Update all registered IAnimatable instance animations using this method typically in an ENTERFRAME Event or with a Timer.
animation — Property, class dragonBones.Armature
An Animation instance
Animation — final class, package dragonBones.animation
An Animation instance is used to control the animation state of an Armature.
Animation(armature:dragonBones:Armature) — Constructor, class dragonBones.animation.Animation
Creates a new Animation instance and attaches it to the passed Arnature.
animationData — Property, class dragonBones.animation.Animation
The AnimationData assiociated with this Animation instance.
_animationDataList — Property, class dragonBones.objects.SkeletonData
AnimationEvent — class, package dragonBones.events
The AnimationEvent provides and defines all events dispatched during an animation.
AnimationEvent(type:String, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class dragonBones.events.AnimationEvent
Creates a new AnimationEvent instance.
animationNames — Property, class dragonBones.objects.SkeletonData
All Animation instance names belonging to this Skeletondata instance.
armature — Property, class dragonBones.Bone
The armature this Bone instance belongs to.
armature — Property, class dragonBones.events.AnimationEvent
The armature that is the taget of this event.
armature — Property, class dragonBones.events.FrameEvent
The armature that is the target of this event.
armature — Property, class dragonBones.events.SoundEvent
The armature that is the target of this event.
Armature — class, package dragonBones
A Armature instance is the core of the skeleton animation system.
Armature(display:Object) — Constructor, class dragonBones.Armature
Creates a Armature blank instance.
_armatureDataList — Property, class dragonBones.objects.SkeletonData
ArmatureEvent — class, package dragonBones.events
The ArmatureEvent provides and defines all events dispatched directly by an Armature instance.
ArmatureEvent(type:String) — Constructor, class dragonBones.events.ArmatureEvent
armatureNames — Property, class dragonBones.objects.SkeletonData
All Armature instance names belonging to this Skeletondata instance.
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