Back DragonBones Today!
The Dragon Bows Before All Backers!
During the first 30 days, we received $1642 from 22 backers. Thank you for all the great support. We will keep up hard work on this project!
All these backers will recieve a email from us soon to confirm your reward.
BTW: the donation path is still open, your support will help the Dragon keep moving forward!
Why do we need help?
It has been over 6 months since the arrival of DragonBones’s first version. In V1.3, we had the Design Panel. In V1.4, we had the website. In V1.5, we had the forum (Our thanks go to Daniel Sperl for his great support). In V2.0, as you see right here, we moved forward again. We are very glad to see that more and more customers are using DragonBones to create fancy games.
We love the Dragon. It feels like the Dragon is our child. We believe that from a dragon baby, over time, it will grow into a Dragon King. While honestly I have to admit our pressure is also growing at the same time. Including myself, there are only two developers feeding the Dragon, almost full-time. Without support from any artist, we need to cover all new feature development and maintenance ourselves, including documentation, demos, website, and customer engagement. We believe it is the right time to hire some people to help us feeding the Dragon together. That is why we NEED your help!
We are planning to hire an artist and a web developer. They will help us build up a new website and its back-end. The artist will also help to redesign the design panel and create artwork for demos. In additional, we will continue to complete documentation and plan the next version.
If the amount of donation is big enough, we will provide better service for you as our customers, in order to support our cooperation with game development teams.
Stretch Goals

$500 - Base Goal: Survive [REACHED]
Bug fixing. Next version planning.
There are still lots of prioritized bugs and improvements in our bug fixing pipeline. Most of them came from customer report. We will fix them based on their urgency and priority.
In addition, we will start planning our next version. The Dragon is still growing!

$1000 - More Demos [REACHED]
Tutorials demo for V2.0 new features. Game class demos.
Due to our limited resource, we haven’t prepared enough demos, especially for the new features of V2.0. Sorry about that! We plan to add more demos including some for feature tutorials and at least one game class demo.
We would also like to invite community developers to contribute more demos!

$2000 - More Detailed Documentation [REACHED]
Updated tutorials . Updated asdoc. specification of the skeleton data format.
We plan to add more documentation expecially for the new features of V2.0, including getting start tutorials updates , Asdoc updates, and a specification of Skeleton data format etc.

$3000 - New Website with Backend
Membership System. Mail Subscription. Prerelease program.
To provide a better customer experience and a more efficient customer engagement process, We believe that it is necessary to have a website with back-end support owned by ourselves. We are planning to set up a server, redesign our website by an expert web designer, build a membership system and offer related service such as a mail subscription, a Prerelease program etc.

$4000 - Library Upgrade I
Filters. Blend modes. Graphic child skeleton.
Filter: Since filters are supported in both Flash Pro and Starling, DragonBones will connect the two workflows.
Blend modes: Use different blend modes to create special effects, like glowing fire or dynamic highlights.
Graphic child skeleton: Currently MovieClip is only allowed format as a child skeleton, so that the child skeleton has an independent timeline against the main skeleton. Compare with MovieClip, Graphic has a merged timeline with main skeleton. With this benefit, customers will have more choices when designing character animations.

$5000 - HTML5 Library
Library with JS
A library with JavaScript programming language will enable an easier development of DragonBones for Html5 games.

$7500 - Design Panel Upgrade I
Refine UI. Click-and-drag to create a skeletal structure. Dynamic skeletal restructuring.
Click and drag to create a skeletal structure: A more natural workflow to create a skeletal hierarchy.
Dynamic skeletal restructuring: You can change the skeleton hierarchy at any time without breaking your animation. All these tasks can be finished during the animation creation phase, which means developers don’t need to touch any code.

$10000 - Cloud Service
Uploading and syncing. Sharing. Online editing.
Uploading and syncing: You can upload your assets to our cloud server and sync it to another computer, so that you can easily continue your work without manually copying anything. and it is totally secure.
Sharing: Just finished a fantastic animation and now hoping to share it with your friend? The cloud service will be able to help you.
Online editing: Maybe you hate to set up a working environment every time you are working from a different place or location? Online editing will help you not having to do that.

$15000 - Library Upgrade II
Bounding boxes. Box2D integration.
Bounding Boxes: These are boxes attached to bones, similar to how images are attached. The boxes represent where the skeleton can be hit. In your game you can easily test for hit detection.
Box2D integration: Control physics entities from animations or animations from physics entities.

$20000 - Design Panel Upgrade II
Curve editor. More efficient texture packing. ATF format.
Curve editor: For achieve more complex tweening, easing and blending.
More efficient texture packing: To further reduce texture size.
ATF format: To further reduce memory consumption.

$25000 - C++ Library
Library with C++
A library with C++ programming language enables easier development of DragonBones for cocos2d-x and others.

$30000 - Library Upgrade III
IK at runtime. TBD (Based on customer feedback)
TBD (Based on customer feedback)

$35000 - C# Library
Library with C#
A library with C# programming language enables easier development of DragonBones for MonoGame, XNA, and others.

$40000 - Design Panel Upgrade III
Timeline integration. Animation editing in design panel. IK. TBD (Based on customer feedback)
TBD (Based on customer feedback)
$1 minimum pledge
Any donor will get one of the following rewards:

Pledge $5 or more
4 backers
You will get a special THANKS on our website.
Estimated delivery: in 30 days

Pledge $15 or more
1 backers
You will get a LINK from your name on our website’s thank you page.
Plus you will get everything a DRAGON PAWN gets.
Estimated delivery: in 30 days

Pledge $30 or more
9 backers
You will get a SCREENSHOT and a LINK to your website from our Home page when you release a full game using DragonBones.
Plus you will get everything a DRAGON WARRIOR gets.
Estimated delivery: in 30 days

Pledge $80 or more
1 backers | Limited (49 of 50 left)
You will get a VOUCHER to join the DragonBones Prerelease program to to explore new features before anyone else.
Plus you will get a PHOTO above your name on our website’s thank you page.
Plus you will get everything a DRAGON ARCHER gets.
Estimated delivery: in 30 days

Pledge $200 or more
2 backers | Limited (38 of 40 left)
Plus you will get an exclusive DragonBones T-SHIRT.
Plus you will get everything a DRAGON PRIEST gets.
Estimated delivery: in 90 days

Pledge $1000 or more
3 backers | Limited (7 of 10 left)
You will become one of our VIP customers one year. This includes 1-on-1 technical support service. We will try our best to help you getting the most out of all DragonBones benefits. We can collaborate with you or customize features for your product if necessary.
Plus you will receive a exclusive AUTOGRAPHED T-SHIRT.
Plus you will get everything a DRAGON KNIGHT gets except the original T-shirt.
Estimated delivery: in 90 days

Pledge the most
1 backers | Limited (0 of 1 left)
You are DragonBones greatest contributor. You will receive an special MYSTERIOUS reward which will be revealed after April 11, 2013.
Estimated delivery: June 2013